Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Hermit

I was speaking with a 2nd Year D.O. student yesterday about my ND practice, and the last thing I said has really stuck with me - I have had to move very slowly into this new practice in Maine in order to stay current with my own inner ethical voice of guidance and boundaries. It has been in my nature to act and react according to what I think I should do - for ego, for others, for many reasons. It has not been my practice to sit quietly with myself, and to act according to what I know is true for me. This, I strive towards.

Coming to a new practice, a new career, and a new sense of self I have been given the opportunity to both make the same mistakes, and to have learned from them. So far, i have done a bit of both! Still,  there are some distinct situations I can see where I have followed my gut instincts and made the right decision (that I would not have made 5 years ago.) It means that I am unfolding my professional identity and practice here at a slower pace; however, I know exactly why and I have the patience, the respect, and the gratitude for the leaps that will come once these baby steps are made.