Friday, October 22, 2010

Year 3, Session 1

I have been taking a Master Homeopathy class for the past 2 years. Its a few weekends a year, and in June my partner and I went to Vancouver to take a weekend course I had missed the previous year. We went to Van in part to take the course, to have some vacation time, and also to city-shop for potential future livability. Vancouver itself failed for my partner - she found the city dirty, the people unfriendly, and the overall city vibe to "big city" for her.

Seattle, on the other hand, won both of our hearts. The food was delicious, the people friendly, the shopping and coffee divine. The Smoked Salmon Benedict !!! And, a looming impressive mountain and serene salt water bay in the same city...priceless.... The only downfall was a serious lack of decaf black tea available - a note to the wise, BYODBT.  Of course, a move to the west coast is still a few years away, and dependent on a series of events falling like dominos that we are just in the process of setting up.

Todays course is on Miasms and Nosodes, this hours session on fungal remedies. This course has elevated me several eschalons in my case taking and prescribing ability from where I was 2 years ago., I have consoled myself on the acupuncture front with the knowledge that I do have this whole other aspect my my training. I will perfect and focus on my homeopathic knowledge base for the next year at Akari. Meanwhile,  Lisa and I can both  figure out where we want to settle for the long term, and what kind of graduate school we will each pursue....maybe have a baby.